LaTricia Tate (she/her/hers)
CEO & Co Founder
LaTricia Tate received her A.S. Degree in Human Services at MCTC in 2022 and is currently working on her B.S. degree. She has worked in the Human Services field for over 20 years. She helped co-found the Twin Cities Recovery Project, Inc. (TCRP) alongside the late Marc L. Johnigan. She was employed with Project for Pride and Living (PPL) a non-profit organization in Supportive Housing, servicing formerly homeless families with disabilities for a little over 10 years.
LaTricia is also the former co-chair of the Franklin Avenue Safety Team, a committee member of PPL’s DEI Committee (Diversity Equity & Inclusion), and founder and leader of PPL’s Rebuilding Our Community Piece by Peace Initiative in 2016. Also a current board member for 1st Step Housing Consulting, a member of the Governor’s Advisory Council on Opioids, Substance Use, and Addiction, member of the DHS/RCO Policy Group, a MARCO Board Member, and also sits on the National DLH Deflection Data Center of Excellence Advisory Board.
She has a strong passion for supporting those who are struggling with Mental Illness and Addiction. Her mission is to change one life at a time by providing the necessary tools that will allow individuals to dream big and achieve their goals.
“I wake up every day determined to make a difference in someone’s life, determined to fight against the stigma of SUD and Mental Illness, and even more determined to see that African Americans communities have equal access to treatment, medical, and housing.” − LaTricia Tate
Christopher Burks (he/him/his)
Program Director, CPRS, R, S, FE
Christopher is a person in long term recovery, who has battled with addiction and incarceration for over twenty years. Tired of the life he was living previously, Christopher wanted more, and realized he needed a change. He decided to move to Minnesota, away from his birth place of Springfield, Ohio. He wanted to start a new chapter in his life.
After moving here he got himself into a faith based treatment program called Metro Hope where he stayed for 9 months and successfully completed the program. While in treatment, Christopher attended a job training program called Twin Cities Rise! Where he got an internship job with Twin Cities Recovery Project. He was able to attend the CPRS training that was offered by TCRP. This allowed him to take and pass the state certification test to become a state certified Recovery Coach. Christopher works at the South Minneapolis office, where he helps individuals in working their recovery.
Anthony Lee (he/him/his)
Re-Entry, Northside Manager
Anthony has been a part of the team at TCRP since October of 2020. As a part of the Crisis Counseling Program, or CP, Anthony works as part of team doing outreach at different sites around the metro. This outreach is part of an initiative put together by FEMA and SAMSA to recognize COVID-19 as a natural disaster, and to provide relief to people in need who have been effected due to economic or lifestyle barriers that have been effecting the community. During outreach, the CP team helps people through a multitude of common issues such as helping families get accustomed to distance-learning and homework help, helping families get assistance with rent and utilities, and give out resources on employment, government assistance, and tips to prevent the spread of COVID-19.
Damone J Presley (he/him/his)
Commercial Tobacco Nicotine Specialist, Youth Programs, CPRS, FE
Damone was born and raised in Minnesota. Damone is a proud father and a person for change. Damone is proud to have over 14 years clean from drugs and alcohol. He is dedicated to helping others and sharing his Experience, Strength and Hope that there is a better way to live.
“I have been working in the community for the past 20 years helping individuals to strive to be better. I always put God first and as a believer I have been able to live my life without drugs. Helping others is my calling!!!!” - Damone
Willis White (he/him/his)
MARI Safe Station Manager, CPRS
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Cynthia Elmore (she/her/hers)
Grief & Trauma,
Wellness Programs Manager
My name is Cynthia Elmore, I'm a person in recovery and what that means to me is that I no longer have to commit crimes and go to prison and be away from my family as I'm employed full time, and I take my job very seriously. I have an associate's in human services, 8 credits shy of my B.S Degree and I'm a CPRS, CPMSS, FE and will be CPRS-R in two weeks. I am the Grief & Trauma Program Coordinator/Facilitator for TCRP. I am a survivor and thriver of many things; trauma just happens to be one. I know first-hand how unresolved Grief & Trauma can keep individuals doing the most insane things and make bad choices that ultimately land us in undesirable situations. I joined TCRP in 2020 and was gone for a brief 9-month stint and now I'm back to continue to help those that are on their healing journeys. It's a real pleasure to be back on the TCRP Team.
Karissa Mariee (she/her/hers)
Chief Operating Officer, CPRS, R, FE
Karissa Marie has lived life experience, this allows for embracing the celebration of a holistic, whole self, wellness approach, towards all pathways of recovery. With a passion for being of service to the community and being a voice and advocate for those who often times go unheard due to social and racial justice matters because they suffer from SUD, mental health and legal challenges within the justice system. She joined the team at TCP in March 2020 after successfully completing the Peer to Peer Recovery Development Training. She is the COO, who over sees organizational operations, as well as a skilled artist and brings a lot of occupational therapy involving creative artwork to the TCP team. Prior to starting at TCRP, Karissa worked in systems and operations management and outside of her normal office hours, she brings new creative endeavors to the participants at TCP, encouraging new forms of creativity to open up in ways that they may not have thought possible previously.
Daniel Weckman (he/him/his)
Outreach Manager, CPRS, R, FE
Daniel is a person in long term recovery. He is truly feeling happy and free. Over the last two years he has gained a life he never had before. He completed treatment at Restoration Counseling and Community Services, Soon after completing the CPRS training through TCRP. After getting certified he went on to take a career development training course through Twin Cities Rise and through them started an internship with Twin Cities Recovery Project. Because of his hard work and dedication Daniel is now a full time employee and a valued member of the TCRP team
“ TCRP is my family. I love my job. Helping individuals help themselves on their recovery journey gives me purpose.” – Daniel
Jermale Kling (any/all)
Re-Entry Coordinator, IT, CPRS, FE
I am a person in long term recovery. My life is manageable when I surrender my will to God’s will. I’m passionate about building healthy sober fun activities in my community. I am an Administrator for Sober Fun Events (Twin Cities Area) on Facebook. I’m part of the PAC Family, as well as an alumni at P.O.P Power of People leadership Institute. I stay busy in my sober community with service commitments that replace the warm fuzzies I sought in my usage. I would not be here today without the support of family, friends, and community in the Twin Cities and Faribault area.
Sarah Mulford (she/her/hers)
Marketing + Communications
Sarah joined the TCRP team in January 2021, she is an ally to those in all stages of their journey in recovery. She manages our social media accounts, updates our website, designs marketing material, and brainstorms new marketing ideas.
She is the owner of Mulford Designs which she helps other small business owners, entrepreneurs, and nonprofits achieve their goals through marketing and design.
During her free time she enjoys spending time with her wife, Jess, and their 2 cats. She enjoys camping, hiking, gardening, reading, & being an advocate for public land issues. She encourages people to trust their journey and the timing, things happen for a reason in life.
CJ Simmons Jones (she/her/hers)
CJ is a person in long term recovery of 27 years, and what that means to her is, receiving her A.S in Chemical Dependency at Minnesota Community Technical College and her B.S. in Alcohol and Drug Counseling from Metropolitan State University, St. Paul. She’s been retired for 11 years from working in the chemical dependency field and during the 11 years, she’s volunteered for several community Non-profit organizations, advocating for All persons of Our communities dealing with mental health, substance abuse, and homelessness. She is also on the board of directors of AEON, a non-profit organization that provides affordable housing in several counties of Minnesota.
“I am very excited to be a part of Twin Cities Recovery Project. It takes all of us to do our part in the community. At Twin Cities Recovery Project I know I’m making a difference”
Dr. Andre Johnson (he/him/his)
TCRP Consultant
Dr. Johnson is the President/CEO of Detroit Recovery Project, Inc. where he has worked in the Substance Use Disorder field for over 31 years. He has worked on local, national, and international initiatives aiming to empower individuals that suffer from Substance Use Disorder. Dr. Johnson was a part of the five year contract (PePFAR funding) during the President Bush tenure to work in the country of Tanzania working in Dar Es Salaam, Pemba, and Zanzibar, in addition to working with the neighboring country of Kenya. He was also appointed under US President Barack Obama Secretary of Health & Human Services to serve as an Advisory Board member to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration in addition to receiving a Champion of Change award from President Barack Obama. DRP is also CARF Accredited and has received numerous awards from the local, state, county, and federal governments for outstanding work of helping individuals sustain long term recovery and becoming productive members of society.
Joseph Bank (he/him)
Board Chair
CJ Jessup (he/him)
Vice Chair
Banks started his law enforcement career in Robbins, Illinois as Police Explorer and then Explorer Post Commander. After joining the United States Marine Reserves, he returned home to started as a Police Dispatcher and become a part-time Police Officer. He then served in the Minnesota Army National Guard and graduated from Central Lakes College with a degree in Criminal Justice.
In 2005, Joseph began working for the Lower Sioux Police Department and accepted a position as Chief of Police with the Upper Sioux Police Department. He then served as the Chief of Police for Morton, Minnesota. He then returned to the Lower Sioux Police Department as the Chief Investigator and the acting Chief of Police.
CJ is the founder and Executive Director of 2ndChanceProject. CJ has an extensive background, over two decades, supporting individuals coming out of incarceration, individuals experiencing homelessness, struggling families and outreach for other organizations supporting young men and youth. 2ndChanceProject was created to provide, real life 2nd chance opportunities for individuals while in a judgement free environment to get back on the path that is right for them.
Julie Shannon (she/her)
Secretary of Board
Julie has held supervisory and management positions at key Twin Cities Nonprofits over the last 30 years (Project for Pride in Living, Wilder Foundation, Lutheran Social Service). She has a history of program development and innovation. Julie has worked with families and children around health issues, sexuality, chemical health, housing, and more. Julie has developed and provided training around workplace issues. She has been married to her husband, Tom for 33 years and has three children and one grandchild.
Dora Dantzler-Wright (she/her)
Board Member
Dora Dantzler-Wright is the Founder and Executive Director of Chicago Recovering Communities Coalition (CRCC), the 1st Recovery Community Organization in the state of Illinois, and a person in long-term recovery (37 years). Dora is a member of the 1st ROSC Committee in the State of Illinois and has served on various boards throughout her career. Dora is State Certified as CADC/GCE, CPRS, DUI via ICB. National Certified as NCRS via NAADAC. Recovery Coach Trainer via CCAR.
Dora’s work includes 11 years of experience setting up and managing residential extended care facilities and recovery homes in the public and private sectors. 25 years of experience in the behavioral health field and is a recovery coach and advocate in the State of Illinois. Currently, Dora is the Executive Director for The Path Recovery Living for Women. Her advocacy for Recovery Residences led her to being the Past Board President and Current Board Member of the Illinois Association of Extended Care, the Illinois Affiliate of the National Association of Recovery Residence.
Dora is very active is supporting organizations to drive impact and advocacy by participating as: Advisory Board Member to Greater Lakes Addiction Transfer Technology, Founding Board Member of the Center for African American Development Founding, Member of Black Faces and Black Voices, Board Member of the Twin Cities Recovery Project, Past Board President and Current Board Member of the Northern Illinois Recovery Community Organization, Board Member of Sauk Valley Voices of Recovery, Past Board Member of C.L.I.C.K and Member of the National Peer Recovery Alliance.
Dora’s has worked at major treatment centers, clinics and community organizations throughout her career in various programs and services: Re-Entry, Recovery Home, MAR Services, Behavioral Health, SUD Treatment, Recovery Support Services, and worked with Women & Women w/Children at The Women’s Treatment Center as a Director of Programs for Housing, Treatment and MAR Services.
Dora has received awards for her work in the recovery field: 2015 Recovery Service Award Winner, Chicago Department of Public Health and 2023 Hall of Fame Award Winner, The Online Museum of African American Addictions, Treatment and Recovery. Dora’s commitment to advocacy and driving transformation has led to her being asked to be a guest lecturer, panelist and speaker at various universities, conferences, and podcasts nationwide.
George Lewis (he/him)
Board Member
I have worked in the field of communications since 1972. My experience in communications has led me to produce communications projects for both, for profit and non-profit organizations for over 40 years, first in New York and in the past 24 years, Minnesota. Included in my experience is my work in the field of substance use disorder and anger management. In 1997, I worked for African American Family Services (AAFS). During my tenure with AAFS, me and Hafeez Muhammad co-wrote the Male Oppression and Violence Elimination program (M.O.V.E) for AAFS. This program was designed to provide services for perpetrators of domestic violence. I then supervised this program for 4 years. I have continued to work as a producer in both the marketing and communications field and the anti-violence and substance use disorder field as a consultant. Since 1999, I provided advertising, marketing, promotion, production and consulting services to many nonprofit, community and health service organizations for AAFS, Starpointe Media Inc. and for other organizations. In late 2001 I founded StarPointe Media, Inc. I have continued to produce Public Service Announcement content for radio, television and print as an independent contractor, as well as establishing and servicing contracts with program providers in the fields of anger management and substance use disorder.
Vernis McKizzie (he/him)
Board Member
Dana Nelson (she/her)
Board Treasure
Dana has worked in the field of behavioral health for over two decades in various capacities. Currently, she is the Director of AICDC Withdrawal Management Program at 1800 Chicago. She has extensive experience in policy development for peer support services and recovery community organizations during her work with the Department of Human Services. She also has experiences in grant management, community outreach and engagement, and program development. When she isn’t working she enjoys being a mom of 4 who keep her busy!
Dr. Corrie (she/her)
Board Member
Dr. Corrie Vilsaint is a research scientist. As a community psychologist and an international speaker, her research focuses on racial health equity in substance use disorders, reducing recovery-related discrimination, building recovery capital, and the effectiveness of recovery support services.
Dr. Jonathan Lofgren (he/him)
Board Member
Dr. Jonathan Lofgren is a native Minnesotan, lives a life of long-term recovery (est. Labor Day, 1987). Jonathan holds a Ph.D. in Education, specializing in Training & Performance Improvement from Capella University and a Master of Arts degree in Community Counseling Psychology from Springfield College. Jonathan is a Licensed Alcohol and Drug Counselor and a Co-occurring Disorders Professional Diplomat.
Dr. Lofgren has 35 years of behavioral-health clinical, leadership, development, education, training, and advocacy experience in local, national, and international settings. Currently Jonathan is a fulltime faculty member at Minneapolis College. Aside from teaching, Lofgren serves on the boards of TCRP, CAARD, and ARHE
In February 2023, Lofgren received the prestigious Museum of African American Addiction, Treatment and Recovery’s Lifetime Achievement Award, and in September 2022 received the ‘Sons of Branford’ Educator of The Year Award: awards for commitment to teaching/training/practice/advocacy in SUD Professions, and building treatment and recovery efforts in the African American Community across the United States.
Dr. Lofgren is a member of the following organizations: • The Center for African American Recovery Development (Board Member) • The Minnesota Association of Resources and Recovery for Chemical Health (Past President) • Association of Recovery in Higher Education (Board Member) • Twin City Recovery Project (Board Member) • International Motivational Interviewing Network of Trainers • Minnesota Association of Black Psychologists • NAACP Minneapolis Chapter
I've been in recovery for 12 years. I am currently in a program to receive my bachelors degree as an LADC. I am a DJ in my spare time and I love being active in the recovery community.